
Join a movement to


80 - 85% of Churches in North America are Plateaued or in Decline

Secularism is on the rise

Americans claiming “no religion” — sometimes referred to as “nones” because of how they answer the question “what is your religious tradition?” — now represent about 23.1 percent of the population and already are the largest religious (or non-religious) segment of our population.​

We understand how terrible a lack of hope can feel in churches. We understand how horribly 'stuck' Christian leaders can feel in the face of decline and stagnation

We have helped thousands of Christians and hundreds of churches begin to multiply.

Ministries That Make Up Multiply222 Network

A Network committed to Multiplying Disciples and Multiplying Churches.

Robust, one-on-one disciple multiplication movement

Join Today

Pursuing new life in the local church!

PK-8 Christian Education at 4 Florida Campuses

Vibrant church with 5 campuses
in Florida

Helping Churches update they way they communicate and grow their message

Master’s degree in congregational leadership

Watch These Testimonials

Discover the power of real-life stories and how they have impacted ministry around the world and transformed people’s lives. Watch our collection of testimonials, featuring individuals whose lives have been changed by the work we do.

Whether you are a donor, a volunteer, or simply interested in learning more about our organization, these testimonials offer a glimpse into the heart of our work and the lives we touch.

The Leadership Team

Scott Vander Ploeg

Senior Pastor & President

Multiply222 Network

Bob Crow

Chief Development Officer

Multiply222 Network

Sarah Wilson Hyde

Head of School

Sunlight Christian Academy

Greg Hauenstein


222Leadership Seminary

Brian Bosscher

Pastor, Executive Director


Kris Vos

Pastor, Director

Center for Church Renewal

Jason Palm

Pastor, Director

Church Planting Initiative

Jake Motisi


Multiply Media

Shayna Morales

Director of Finance, Human Resources & Legal

Multiply222 Network

Multiply222 In Detail

Here are some things you should know about us:


Multiplication happens at the person-to-person level.  Disciples make disciples.  And we believe we must go deep in order to go wide.



We believe deeply in power of the Gospel message.  The Good News of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fuels all our ministry from beginning to end.


Intentionally Missional

We believe we must join Jesus on mission–learning and adapting to the culture around us while remaining biblically sound.  We help Christians live and act like missionaries without ever necessarily leaving their city.

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