
What is the
Multiply Method?

Something needs to change in our world, in our country, in our politics, in our communities, in our families, and in ourselves.  


We believe something needs to change

But what is going to bring about that change?

It’s not more education.  It’s not new laws or new leaders.  It’s not a social program, policy, organization, or therapy.  

Only Jesus and His Power is able to bring about the necessary changes in the world and in ourselves. 

The Multiply Method is a defined approach to experiencing the life-changing power of Jesus first in our own lives and then multiplying out into the world.

There are three stages to the Multiply Method approach.

All real and lasting life change happens in the context of genuine personal relationships. 

Conversely, no real change occurs in isolation.  

We invite you to join a community of people who are dedicated to seeing Jesus change the world!  

Know Jesus

The power of Jesus changes individuals one life at a time.  We invite this power into our lives to the extent that we come to know and experience Jesus and His Gospel message.  So the Multiply Method approach helps people get to know Jesus by learning about and growing in His Word–the Bible–and its message of Good News.  

Make Jesus Known

One of our mottos in the Multiply Method is “Givers Gain.”  In this stage, we help individual disciples of Jesus to become disciple-makers.  Disciple-makers are people on a mission–helping others experience the life-changing power that we ourselves have already received.  

Live a Jesus Life

In this stage we take a pledge and become part of a community of people who are eager to see the impact of this process multiplied exponentially in the world. 

Stage 1

Know Jesus

It is clear in the Bible that God’s Word and God’s power are virtually synonymous.  

When God said, “Let there be light,” there was light. 

When Jesus said, “Take up your mat and walk,” the healing was done.   

God’s Word and His power are one and the same.

When you introduce God’s Word into your life, His power for healing, direction, and change come with it.  That is why diving into the Good News of the Bible is so important.  

We’ve developed two unique resources to help you begin and then deepen your knowledge of the Bible. 

We understand that the Bible can be a bit intimidating, especially as you are first beginning.  Knowing where to start and learning how to navigate through the Bible can be a real challenge.  So in Bible Steps, we have created a very simple guide and resource to help you really begin to learn the Bible.  

You begin by finding and reading 5 simple verses.  Next, you get to know about 10 of the most fascinating people in the Bible.  After that comes 15 important passages, which is followed finally by 20 of the most famous stories.  

The takeaway: You’ll feel intimately more familiar with God’s Word and, therefore, able to experience God’s transforming power.

We need a better Bible strategy!

Many of us want to read more of the Bible.  However, we need a good strategy to succeed.  The most common strategy today is to read the Bible silently on your own.  But many people fail to maintain that habit.  We can’t rely on church services either, as most worship services only cover a few verses each week.  

In 1 Timothy 4:13, Paul exhorted Timothy to “Devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture.”  The Public Reading of Scripture (PROS) is a strategy that works.  If you listen together for just one hour a week, you will finish the Bible about every two years.  

PROS works because it provides the accountability of listening together in community.  It’s simple—no preparation or homework is needed, all you have to do is listen.   PROS will help with perspective.   Hearing the Bible read aloud with others will be much different than reading alone silently. 

For these reasons, we think you’ll find that PROS allows the content of God’s word to sink more deeply into your life.

Stage 2

Make Jesus Known

All true disciples of Jesus are called to become disciple-makers.  We have developed a process called 222Disciple, which prepares and equips every believer to join in Jesus’ mission and learn how to become disciple-makers.  

222Disciple leverages two powerful realities–the power of the Gospel and the power of genuine personal relationships.  222Disciple is certain to take the first stage of the Multiply Method (‘Know Jesus’) to a whole new level in your life.  This will be life-changing in and of itself.  But the real change will come as you move from being a receiver to a giver.  

If it is time to take your faith to the next level, this is exactly the right step to take! 


Multiply Disciples.
Multiply Churches.

Stage 3

Live a Jesus Life

Each stage of the Multiply Method describes a new experience of the power of Jesus at work in your life.  In the first stage (Know Jesus), you receive in your own life Jesus’ power for healing, direction, and change as you dive into the Bible and Jesus’ message of Good News. 


In the second stage (Make Jesus Known), your faith will level up as you move from being a receiver to giver. 


The third stage (Live a Jesus Life) taps into yet another level of Gospel power–the power of multiplication.

So much of Jesus’ work and teaching is about multiplication.

One of Jesus’ most famous miracles was that of multiplying only a few loaves and fish into an abundant meal that fed thousands of people. 


One of Jesus’ most famous parables is about a single seed producing a harvest 30, 60 and even 100 times more than itself.  

Multiplying is a Big Deal

Often people shy away from offering themselves fully to Jesus.  Perhaps they make an assessment that they have too little to offer.  So they instead play small.  

We are a group of people who believe that God can multiply the small bit that we offer into something so much bigger than ourselves.  In fact, we believe that those who commit themselves fully to Jesus will find that they tap into a dynamic power with exponential possibilities.  

Do you want to change the world?  We do too!  That is why we are encouraging Christians to step up!  We are challenging Christians to become a part of a multiplication movement.  We encourage you to explore taking the Multiply222 Pledge today! 

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